Stenographer recruitment in Gujarat 2021/ apply online / notification

  Regional Commissioner, Office of Municipalities, Rajkot Zone

Walk in interview

The following vacancies in the following cadres sanctioned for the office of Regional Commissioner, Municipalities, Rajkot Zan are subject to the instructions and conditions fixed by the Government on the basis of contract of retired employees / officers from the State Service / Board / Corporation and on a totally temporary basis (11) per month. Is to be paid on a contractual basis.

 Age limit -  Candidate should be below 62 years of age


 Departmental investigations against them should not be ongoing as well as their private reports of the last 10 years should be good.

name of the poststenographer
salaryAs per the resolution dated 07/07/2016 of the retired officer / employee of that cadre

 Interview time 

Candidates seeking the above appointments can apply on 06/09/2021 from 11:00 to 4

 Interview place 

Commissioner , Office of Municipalities, Rajkot Zone, District Service House-3, 3rd Floor, Next to Government Press, Reed Club Road, Rajkot


Eligible candidates for the above post in the office of will have to fill up the registration form from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

 Important notes 

The guideline of cova-19 of the Government of India must be fully complied with.