Important dates
Form start date 02/08/2021
End date 01/09/2021
- Please read all the instructions in this notification carefully and ensure that you are eligible to apply before filling the application form Online. Detailed instructions for filling up ONLINE applications are available on the RRC NCR website
- Applicants are advised in their own interest to submit Online Application much before the closing date to avoid possibility of any failure to submit application due to heavy load/jam on website.
- In case the Applicant does not have a VALID personal e-mail ID he/she should create his/her own e-mail ID before applying online application and must maintain that e mail ID till the end of engagement process.
- This is a Centralized Notification for engagement of Act Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961 being conducted by Railway Recruitment Cell, North Central Railway (RRC-NCR/ PRYJ) has been nominated as nodal agency for obtaining ONLINE applications from Applicants across the Nation.
- Applicants can submit their applications ONLINE only on RRC's website The candidature of the Applicants will be considered only on the basis of the information filled in the ONLINE application.
- In case of Direct Recruitment from Open Market to Posts / Categories in Level - 1 (Rs. 18,000/- Rs. 56,900/-), Course Completed Act Apprentices (CCAA) trained in Railway Establishments and possessing National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) will be given preference in filling up 20% vacancies on qualifying the requisite norms notified by RRB/RRC.
- 1. North central Railway invites ONLINE applications from interested Applicants for engagement as Act Apprentices against the 1664 slots notified for training in the designated Trades under Apprentice Act 1961 at various Divisions, Workshops within the jurisdiction of North Central Railways (Divisions - Prayagraj, Agra, Jhansi & Jhansi workshop) for the year 2020-21.
- (A) AGE CRITERIA as on 01/09/2021 (Closing Date):
- 2.1 The Applicants should have completed 15 years of age and should not have completed 24 years of age as on 01/09/2021.
Trade name
- Fitter
- Welder
- Machinist
- Painter
- Electrician
- Stenographer
- (Hindi) TOTAL
- Trades
- Fitter
- Electrician
- Welder
- Machinist
- Carpenter
- Painter
- Information and
- communication Technology
- system
- Maintenance
- Plumber
- Draughtsman
- (Civil)
- Stenography (Eng
- lish)
- Wireman
- Mechanic-Cum
- Operator Electronics
- communication
- Health Sanitary
- Inspector
- Multimedia & Web Page
- Design
- Tech. Welder (G
- & E)
- Tech. Carpenter
- Tech. Painter (General)
- Tech. Fitter
- Tech. Welder (G & E)
- Tech. Armature
- Winder
- Tech. Carpenter
- Tech. Crane
- Tech. Machinist
- Tech. Painter
- Tech. Electrician
- T&Fitter
- Ter Welder (G & E)
- Tec Mechanic (DLS)
- Te Carpenter Electrician
- 6.1 Selection of the eligible Applicants for imparting training under the Apprentice Act, 1961 will be based on the merit list which would be prepared taking the average of the percentage of marks obtained by the Applicants in both Matriculation [with minimum 50% (aggregate) marks] and ITI examination giving equal weight age to both.
- 6.2 Further, for trades where minimum educational criteria is 8th pass + ITI, the merit list will be prepared by taking average of marks scored in 8th and ITI (in the trade in which Apprenticeship to be done) marks.
- 6.3 Short listed candidates, thus enlisted, will be called for document/ certificate verification to the extent of 1.5 times of the notified vacancies.
- 6.4 In case of two applicant having the same marks, the applicants having older age shall be preferred. In case the dates of birth are also same, then the Applicants who passed matriculation exam earlier shall be considered first. There will be no written test or viva.
- 6.5 Final merit list will be prepared Unit wise, Trade wise & Community wise equal to the number of slots in the descending order of percentage of marks obtained by the candidate.
- 6.6 Applicants need not send any copies of application / certificates / documents to RRC-NCR by post but have to upload the same online.
- 4.1. Application fees (Non-refundable) - Rs. 100/-.
- 4.2 No fee is required to be paid by SC/ST/PWD/Women Applicants.
- 4.3. Fee payment will have to be made online through payment gateway part of online application process as under:
- Complete filling the online application in all respects at RRC-NCR
- Every trade Apprentice on completion of the training will be granted a certificate of proficiency by the National Council, on passing a test conducted by the National Council for Training in Vocational Trades to determine his proficiency in the Designated Trade.
- 13. No Hostel accommodation will be provided and selected Applicants will have to make their own arrangement during their training as per Apprentice Act 1961 and they will be released on completion of the training.
Important below links
Online Application Form of ACT APPRENTICES Zonal Notification No. RRC/NCR/01/2021
Click here for Online ફોર્મClick here for download
Click here for download Notification