From now on, account holders of PM Kisan Yojana will be given Rs 3,000 per month apart from Rs 6,000 per year. For this they have to register in Kikshan Mandhan Yojana.
Account holders of PM Kisan Yojana will get huge benefits
Apart from Rs. 6000 per year, Rs. 3000 per month will also be given to 4 farmers in Kisan Mandhan Yojana govt scheme
Registration will have to be done
If you are availing the benefits of PM Kisan Yojana, you will now get Rs 6000 per year in your account as well as Rs 3000 per month. For this you have to register in PM Kisan Mandhan Scheme. There is no paperwork involved. Contributions for this pension scheme will also be deducted from government assistance based on the honorarium fund.
Here you will find all the information if you register in PM Kisan PM Kisan Mandhan Scheme. These farmers get Rs. 2000 every 4 months in their account. Along with this you will get a pension of Rs. 3000 per month after the age of 60 with installments. Its special features are given on the website of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi
Learn about both schemes PM Kisan Scheme
The central government's scheme was started by PM Modi. The government will try to benefit the farmers in this scheme. Under this scheme, the government provides financial assistance to poor farmers 3 times a year. In PM Kisan Samman Nidhi, Rs. 6000 is given to farmers in 3 installments. There are also several benefits to having an account in PM Kisan.
PM Kisan Mandhan Scheme The scheme being run by the Central Government provides pension facility to farmers above 60 years of age. A farmer of 18-40 years can take part in it. He is given a monthly pension of Rs 3000 after the age of 60 depending on his age. The premiums for this range from Rs 55 to Rs 200. It depends on sultriness.
How to get the benefit Poor farmers are getting Rs. 2000 per year in 3 installments depending on the PM farmer. With this, if the pension scheme PM participates in Kisan Mandhan, registration is done easily and in the other option, the amount deducted per month in the pension scheme is also deducted from 3 government installments. They have to deposit Rs 55-200 as premium. Thus, a maximum premium of Rs 2400 and a minimum premium of Rs 660 per annum has to be paid. Even if a maximum of Rs 2400 is deducted from Rs 6000, Rs 3600 will be saved in the account of the honor fund. So after the age of 60, you will get a pension benefit of Rs. 3000 per month.