SPIPA/202122/1 apply syllabus / call letter /question paper /result

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Title :  UPSC Civil Services Examination 2022 (IAS, IPS, IFS etc.) Training Class 2021-22

End date 25/07/2021 23:59:00

Fees : 300

Postયુ.પી.એસ.સી. સિવિલ સર્વિસીઝ પરીક્ષા ૨૦૨૨ (IAS, IPS, IFS etc.) તાલીમવર્ગ ૨૦૨૧-૨૨
DepartmentGeneral Administrative Department
Description / Dutiesયુ.પી.એસ.સી. સિવિલ સર્વિસીઝ પરીક્ષા ૨૦૨૨ (IAS, IPS, IFS etc.) તાલીમવર્ગ ૨૦૨૧-૨૨
PH DescriptionNA
Essential/Desirable QualificaitonNA
Experience(If any) DescriptionNA
Any Other ConditionsNA

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t. No. SPIPA-202122-1_Imp. Notice regarding Entrance Exam Date for UPSC CSE Training Programme 2021-22

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For a state progressing significantly into a time of quick advancement and improvement, a persistent refreshing of abilities is the sine qua non for its overseeing labor force. The ability to turn into an instrument of progress requires individual advancement and the important information to make an interpretation of vision right into it. 

It is with this command that SPIPA has chalked out a huge number of preparing programs, to prepare government functionaries to serve the residents to their most extreme fulfillment. It likewise embraces examination and overviews in its Center for Good Governance and State Institute of Rural Development. 


The Government of Gujarat has acknowledged preparing as a successful attempted and-tried instrument for execution improvement of its work force. The State Training Policy, compelling from 19-04-2004, has been outlined for 'Mandatory Training' of local officials in SPIPA or some other perceived preparing establishment. Its central point is the upgradation of information and expertise of government workers at all levels to empower them to serve individuals better. 

SPIPA has been constantly seeking after the successful execution of the State Training Policy. 



To arise as a Center for Excellence in administration and resident driven policy implementation. 

While the government employees of the country and the administration have, overall, satisfied the vision of our initial architects in organizing majority rules system, there is a lot of that should be done towards building a framework that is straightforward and effective. SPIPA predicts a policy implementation with the resident at its middle. 

SPIPA is set up to bestow preparing to every one of the offices and workplaces of the State Government; and for this reason it evaluates the preparation and expertise up-degree needs for different classifications of officials. It goes about as a research organization for the public authority in issue of regulatory changes, great administration, country improvement and panchayati raj foundations, among different areas, and furrows back answers for something similar. The establishment additionally leads different symposia and meetings, all alone or in the interest of the Central and State Governments. 

As referenced in its Memorandum of Association, SPIPA capacities with the accompanying center targets: 

To unite different State Government organizations craving to share assets of normal foundation 

To give establishment preparing to the newcomers of the State Government, lead pre-administration and in-administration preparing to gazetted and non-gazetted representatives at all levels – be it at Secretariat, departmental or region level 

To sort out courses, meetings, conversations, symposia, workshops and so forth on issues applicable to great administration 

To survey preparing necessities and devise course structures for different divisions of the State Government 

To configuration programs for planning praiseworthy understudies for common assistance assessments 

To set up and keep up libraries and distributions for data and mindfulness on policy management 


SPIPA has arisen today as the cross country stage for sharing and investigating additional opportunities in improving administration. The organization is interesting in its capacity to draw out specialists from each field to enhance the endeavors of its in-house staff. The grounds and offices at SPIPA offer the ideal climate for studies and conversations, examination and documentation. It is deliberately situated in the core of Ahmedabad, the advancement center of Gujarat. Its specific need based preparing programs are different and intelligent. SPIPA likewise brags of recognized graduated class serving the country in their individual fields and appreciating fulfilling vocations. With everything taken into account, it is an engaged establishment portrayed by dynamism and obligation to its destinations.

Advt. No. SPIPA-202122-1_Imp. Notice regarding Online Application, fees Payment and Exam Date of Entrance Exam 2021 for UPSC CSE Training Programme 2021-22

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Exam Date: 12-08-2021

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• Paper 1 General Studies: Click Here
• Paper 2 General Studies: Click Here

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List of Qualified Candidates for Stage- II Essay Test: Click Here

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Exam Date: 10-10-2021

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• Download General Studies Paper – I (PDF): Click Here
• Download General Studies Paper – II (PDF): Click Here

Exam: Entrance Exam 2021 for UPSC CSE Training Programme 2021-22

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