RMC Recruitment 2021

Rajkot Municipal Corporation (RMC) Recruitment for ITI Trade Apprentice Posts 2021

Significant: Please consistently Check and Confirm the above subtleties with the authority site/Organizations Institute/Department and Official Advertisement/Notification

In the City, Business, Rajkot, under the administration of the Apprenticeship Act, 121 of the Chief Minister, as well as the Student Regulations, the applications will be accepted from candidates who have the required qualifications to fill jobs in a variety of competitions, including the following details. In order to do this, the candidates will have to go www.rmc.gov.in send your request online by 31/06/2021 to 20/04/2071 and send it to the following information.

* * * * In accordance with the Resolution of the Rajkot Transport Management Commission, " No." 3.d.d. 6.06.2018, applications will be accepted for the education of the student employees currently vacant positions between the positions that are intended for a variety of professions. The candidates with the legal criteria for selection will be issued for the the job training in accordance with the deed of priority, students will be issued for the the study is based on the current waiting list, according to the merits of periodic jobs. 

* Applicants must apply online only. Then attach the self-approved, copies of the required documents indicated in the application, together with the seal of the online application by mail or in person at the head of the POWER to the particular Branch of the institution, Room No. 1, 2nd floor,, Rajkot Municipal Corporation, ??????????- road, Rajkot-20001. Please 10.09.2071 during normal business hours (from 10: 30 a.m. until 05.10 pm). 

* Only candidates who have ITI pass, you need to work in the industry. Applicants who have already completed training in a specialty in the Rajkot City, the Company, or any of the other school, it should not apply to you. In case a candidate is found, he will be disqualified. 

* Make payments to selected students from all of the monthly scholarships offered by the Government of the Russian Federation. 

For more info about this * Agreement, visit the web site www.rmc.gov.in. 

Notification    Click here

Apply online    Click here

  •  Sr. No. 01
  • vacancy type  - WALK IN INTERVIEW
  • Last date : 20/07/2021
  • Designation : medical officer (MBBC) and Medical officer (Aayush) (BAMS, BHMS) 
  • total vacancy : 67 
  • salary : 30,000/- And 23,000/-
  • Age : less then 65 year old 
  • Apply now  : Click here
  • full details for : ClickSCHEDULE  -


Syllabus of written test of Junior ClerkCLICK HERE

 Junior clerk exam date and call letter date declared
In order to fill the total 122 posts of Junior Clerk of Rajkot Municipal Corporation, advertisements and amendments have been announced in the newspapers and online applications have been invited through the website of Rajkot Municipal Corporation. The written examination of all the candidates Planned at 06 different cities 24/10/21 All the candidates will be able to download the collator from the website of Rajkot Municipal Corporation www.rmc.gov.in from 15/10/21. By reading all the details given in the collator, you are informed to be present at the appointed place, date and time 

Notes for Junior clerk Written Exam Date

Download call letter :- CLICK HERE

Know your application number :- CLICK HERE

Exam date  24/10/2021
Download question paper :- CLICK HERE 

 Provisional answer key download click here 

RMC junior clerk old question paper

Exam date 25/03/2018

 Download question paper :- CLICK HERE
 Download answer key :-CLICK HERE

Cleaner cum Jr. Fireman Practical Test Schedule    CLICK HERE

Cleaner cum Jr. Fireman Practical Test Information CLICK HERE

Cleaner Cum Junior Fireman Practical Test Postponed  :-CLICK HERE 

મહાપાલિકામાં યુનિવર્સિટીવાળી: કલાર્કની ભરતીમાં પદાધિકારીઓ પર ભલામણોનો ધોધ :- CLICK HERE

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