Recruitment in various trades under Apprentice Act in Vadodara Municipal Corporation 2021

 Applications are invited in the prescribed application form from the candidates who are eligible to fill the vacancies of Apprentice in the following various trades in Vadodara Municipal Corporation under Apprentice Act-121 and Chief Minister Apprentice Choice in the session of 2021.

The name of the track

Programming & System 

Health Sanitary Inspector

Referee celebration and air-conditioned mechanic mechanic earthwinding machinery





COPA-IT, I, track pass

I.T.I. Trade pass

I.T.I. Trade pass

I.T.I. Trade pass

I.T.I. Trade pass

I.T.I. Trade pass

I.T.I. Trade pass

You can apply at all the places given in the table below. This is the golden opportunity you have studied. So that you can take advantage of this Government's program, you can get more details from its official site.

These are recruited in accordance with an Act. Which is what makes you practice. You are also given a rupee in the form of salary which is called stipend

You are not considered a permanent employee but a certificate of experience Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation. So it is very important to get experience in such a government institution.

ક્રમટ્રેડ નુ નામજગ્યાની સંખ્યાલાયકાત
૦૧પ્રોગ્રામીમ આસી.૭૦COPA & ITI trade
૨હેલ્થ સેનેટરી૧૮ITI Trade
૩રેફ્રીજરેટૅર મીકેનીક૦૩ITI Trade
૪ફીટર૦૭ITI Trade
૫ઇલેક્ટ્રીશીયન૦૭ITI Trade
૬વાયરમેન૧૨ITI Trade
૭મીકેનિક અર્થમુવિગ૦૩ITI Trade

        Monthly Stipend: The stipend will be paid as per the rules of the Government. Local candidate will be preferred. Will be dismissed upon completion of the apprenticeship. Candidates who have done apprenticeship in the previous trade should not apply, if the candidate is attached to any other unit / institution for the apprenticeship from the contract name then the candidature of that candidate will be canceled. The place of sending the application is to send the original copies of the required certificates to the address of General Administration Department, Apprentice Branch, Room No. 12/1, Khanderao Market Building, Vadodara-20302 by 07-08-2021. The application has to be made in the application form attached with the advertisement on the website of Vadodara Municipal Corporation
, mobile number and trade name must be written on the cover of the application. The application should be sent from the back post or from the registered post AD. Application flor will not be accepted. Applications with incomplete details, except required certificates and out of date will not be accepted under any circumstances.

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