Final Stage result 27/2020-21 Deputy Section Officer / Deputy Mamlatdar, Class-3 2022

Call Letter (Prelim) - 24/2020-21 Important Notice regarding the Preliminary Test

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Important Notice to Download Call Letters for Preliminary Examinations to be taken in June 2021 for Advt. No. 24, 70, 80, 81, 104, 113 and 122/2020-21

Please see link and photo 

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The Commission Of The Ingredients 

In accordance with article 320 of the Constitution of India, the Gujarat Public Service Commission has the following powers. 

This is the correct order to assess the organization of the public administration.Ask A question to identify the processes that are carried out by the various civil services of the state;the Standards to which it should be the continuation of the measures taken by the public authorities and policy-making, changes, and transitions, to begin with, the aid for the regular and the worst, the possibility of carrying out such actions, and are responsible for, Any disciplinary matters that concern the public sector, in the Case of the satisfaction of the legitimate expenses, the cause of the civil servants in the protection of to legitimate proceedings brought against them for the amount of time that appears on, or is suspected of being, in the course of performing its duties, the Moods of the grant of the Employees, and any other issues that may be noted On their Property, the governor 

These facilities are subject to the limitations imposed by the Rules of the Gujarat Freedom of the Public Service Commission (Consultation) in 1960, has been made pursuant to clause (3) of Article 320 of the Constitution of India. 

During the year, the Commission has deployed 05 advertisements for competitive exams. The commission has welcomed the implementation of the "on-line" in order to carry out a survey specific to the test in competition. The results are presented 09 testing, a number 1 is a Special contest for the exam in the past years, and 853 and 37, and the novice was declared effective an individual basis. Towards the end of the year, and 02 for more qualification events will be held. 

The rules for the registration of: 

During the year, the Commission provides guidance on how to set or change the Rules on a number of HR-38,473 the decision to separate. At the end of the year, it is expected to distribute the Messages on the allocation / change to the Rules, the Framework of the series, 57, 09, related to separate. 

Offer to the discipline: 

During the year, the Commission issued a 143 in the disciplinary order. At the end of the year, and 81 of the features are available, that it is the government that receiving the order. The commission presented to the advisor of the year-06-recommendations for modification/adjustment of the discipline of the order. 

Please select from the following list: 

During the year, the Commission has received a total of 167 offering, the shares of the 1,394-ranking officials. The commission provided guidance to 1,351 government officials, and asked for the information on the site, and the officials of 43 

On A Whim, The Meeting: 

During the year, the Commission has provided guidance to the 50's officers, on the particular condition. 

The gear arrangement is: 

During the year, the qazanmadı Commission to make a few suggestions for the organization of the data transfer. 

The registration number and the responsibility of: 

During the year, the Commission provides additional ap

Important Notice regarding Call letter of Preliminary exam of Advt. No. 28/2020-21, Assistant Librarian, Class-3

Please see link and photo 

Click here 

Important Notice regarding Change in Seating Arrangement for Center No 59 of Rajkot District, Advt. No. 27/2020-21, Deputy Section Officer/Deputy Mamlatdar, Class-3   CLICK HERE

Important Notice Regarding Change in the Name of the Examination Centre in Banaskantha District for the Preliminary Test to be held on 01.08.2021 for Advt. No. 27/2020-21, Deputy Section Officer / Deputy Mamlatdar, Class-3   CLICK HERE

GPSC/202021/27 -

Deputy Section Officer / Deputy Mamlatdar, Class-3

Call latter : CLICK HERE

Download Question paper : CLICK HERE

Exam Date 01/08/2021


provisional Answer keys : CLICK HERE

List of Ineligible Candidates(with reason) of Advt. No.   27/2020-21, Deputy Section Officer / Deputy Mamlatdar, Class-3 :- CLICK HERE         

Final stage result :- CLICK HERE